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Elite High Profile Companion Courtesan London – Toronto – International

Female Independent Elite Companion London – Toronto – International

Posts Tagged ‘best courtesan London uk’

Why the Adult Industry Doesn’t Fulfil Its Role in the Society

Why does the adult industry not fulfil its role in the society? How is it possible that the adult industry which turns billions a year worldwide leaves so much sexual deprivation, violence, and harassment worldwide? How can it be that men seem to be more deprived of sex than ever at the time of the biggest adult industry it has ever been and at the age of extreme sexual liberation? Or has it always been the case, but we now hear more of it? This paradox doesn’t make sense… Or does it if we look closer? Read More

See Courtesans for Celebration, Not Out of Desperation

February 1, 2022  |  Coaching for Men

Why should men see courtesans for celebration? Men who see courtesans usually expect to be intimate with them.  Yet why do 99% of men call for intimacy when they break up with partners, are frustrated, despondent, or angry with a circumstance? Read More

Did You See My Details in a Directory Listing?

Did you find a link to my site in a directory listing? Or better still, did you find my site on a search engine and not in a directory listing? Then I invite you to bear the following in mind:  Read More